Got yet another reminder today that not all trips go smoothly. I am on my way down to the Ecuadorian/Peruvian border and decided to stop at a little town called Arenillas, Ecuador for the night before I hit the border crossing. Got out of my car to see I blew out the sidewall of a rear tire. Ouch! That goes right up there with the time I punctured a tire on a dirt road in Columbia (30 miles from any town), the time I was stuck for 3 hours waiting for a landside to be cleared in Ecuador, and the time traffic was stopped for 2 1/2 hours for another landslide in Colombia. These are the little adventures that check your reality once in a while. And, driving through South America is proving an adventure. But, along with the puncture, and the landslides; this too shall pass. In the morning, I will figure out how to fix this. I am hoping the tire shop in Huaquillas (30 minutes away) has tires that work for me. If not, this could take 2 or 3 days to figure out. Luckily, time is something I have in abundance. And, I have nowhere I need to be. The adventure continues...slowly for now.